If-Sätze: Typ 3 (Erkärung, Bildung und Übung)
In diesem Abschnitt geht es um if-Sätze (conditional clauses, if-clauses)des Typ 3.
Englische Version:
Bildung I (Formation I)
1. If I had been taller, I would have joined the army.
2. We would have saved time if we had gone by car.
3. If I had been training harder, I would have finished the marathon in less than four hours.
Type 3: Talking about imagined conditions and consequences then: What would you have done if you had lost your job?
Example 3 above shows that the progressive form is permissible in type 3 if-clauses. The table below is taken from the introduction and contains the most basic pattern:
If | past perfect | would have |
If | I had lost my job, | I would have found a new one. |
If | you had not arrived on time, | I would not have waited for you. |
You may also use the past perfect progressive within the main clause:
If I had not met my wife on a holiday in Spain in 1983, I would still have been living in Germany until 1984.
The two auxiliaries would and had are both contracted as 'd and it becomes clear from the context which form is which. In addition to that it is only correct to use would in the if-clause if you want to be extremely polite.
If I'd (= I had) started earlier, I'd (=I would) have managed to write more pages.
Formation II
Although it is not as flexible as type 2, there still exist some variations for type 3:
1. Provide a reason why something in the past has (not)happened: If it had not been for the rain, we would have had a bigger crop.
2. Be very formal without if: Had the governement reduced the income tax, people would have had more money to spend.
Unlike type 1, type 2 and 3 have in common that they are used to talk about something unreal or imagined. What distinguishes them is that type 3 is used with a reference to the past. The conditions lie in the past in which they have already not been fulfilled. Only time travelling could probably change this and this is why you do not use any future tenses with type 3 conditionals. We use type 3 conditionals to speculate about things which could have or could never have happened.
Bildung I (Formation I)
1. If I had been taller, I would have joined the army.
2. We would have saved time if we had gone by car.
3. If I had been training harder, I would have finished the marathon in less than four hours.
Typ 3: Über imaginierte Situationen/Konsequenzen damals sprechen: What would you have done if you had lost your job?
Orientiere dich für die normale Bildung an der Tabelle aus der Einleitung. Beispiel 3 oben zeigt, dass auch eine progressive form im if-Satz Typ 3 stehen kann.
If | past perfect | would have |
If | I had lost my job, | I would have found a new one. |
If | you had not arrived on time, | I would not have waited for you. |
Auch im main clause kann eine progressive form benutzt werden:
If I had not met my wife on a holiday in Spain in 1983, I would still have been living in Germany until 1984.
Die beiden auxiliaries would und had werden mit 'd abgekürzt. Der Kontext sorgt in fast allen Fällen für Klarheit darüber, welches Wort gemeint ist. Außerdem kommt would im if-Satz nur vor, wenn du etwas besonders höflich ausdrücken möchtest.
If I'd (= I had) started earlier, I'd (=I would) have managed to write more pages.
Bildung II (Formation II)
Wie bei Typ 2 gibt es auch bei Typ 3 einige Variationsmöglichkeiten, die deinen Ausdruck bereichern können:
1. Begründung, warum etwas in der Vergangenheit (nicht) passiert ist: If it had not been for the rain, we would have had a bigger crop.
2. Für einen förmlicheren Stil auf if verzichten: Had the governement reduced the income tax, people would have had more money to spend.
Verwendung (Use)
Typ 2 und Typ 3 haben im Gegensatz zu Typ 1 miteinander gemeinsam, dass mit ihnen imaginierte Bedingungen und Konsequenzen formuliert werden. Der Unterschied besteht darin, dass es sich bei Typ 3 um Dinge handelt, die (jetzt) keinesfalls eintreten können, weil sie in der Vergangenheit liegen, in der sie bereits nicht eingetreten sind. Nur eine Zeitreise könnte an solchen hypothetischen Bedingungen etwas ändern und deswegen kann auch keine future tense mit Typ 3 benutzt werden. Diese hypothetischen Bedingungen liegen dabei im Spektrum von "gut möglich" bis "absolut unmöglich".
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