Past perfect continuous: Erklärung, Bildung und Übung
In diesem Abschnitt geht es um die Bildung von Aussagen, Fragen und Verneinungen im past perfect continuous.
Englische Version
Look at the following example. Try to work out a "formula" for the past perfect continuous:
John Locke had been working on the Essay since about 1660.
Churchill had been thinking of delaying his resignation.
But, of course, one had been doing all these things, ad nauseam.
Generally speaking, the perfect is associated with the third form of the verb, while the continuous is generally associated with a form of to be and the ing-form of the verb. So what you've got here is a combination of the two. "had + third form" indicates the past perfect and to be (been in this case, since it's the third form) and the ing-form to indicate the continuous aspect. This "formula" is the same all the time, no matter if it's he, she, they etc. Thus, all you need to keep in mind is this:
had + been + ing-form
Note that this form is different from others in that it's got two auxiliaries in it, just like the present perfect continuous. So when you form a question, only the first one (had) goes in front of the subject:
(interrogative) | auxiliary 1 | subject | auxiliary 2 | verb | (rest) |
Had | John Locke | been | working | on the Essay since about 1660? | |
Why | had | Churchill | been | thinking | of delaying his resignation? |
Had | one | been | doing | all these things again and again? |
For negatives simply add not after the first auxiliary (had) or use the short form (hadn't):
John Locke hadn't been working on the Essay since 1650.
Churchill had not been thinking about bringing his resignation forward.
One had not been doing all these things ad nauseam.
Sieh dir die folgenden Beispiele an und versuche eine Regel dafür zu finden, wie die Verbform gebildet wird. Der Name der Zeitform kann dir dabei helfen:
John Locke had been working on the Essay since about 1660.
Churchill had been thinking of delaying his resignation.
But, of course, one had been doing all these things, ad nauseam.
Das perfect ist mit der dritten Verbform (past participle) verbunden, während das continuous aus einer Form von to be und der ing-Form des Verbs besteht. Das past perfect continuous kombiniert beides wie folgt: had+dritte Form für das past perfect und been+ing für den continuous Aspekt. Achte darauf, dass du nicht have/has und had verwechselst!
Bildung des past perfect continuous
had + been + ing-form
Ganz wie im present perfect continuous gibt es auch hier wieder zwei auxiliaries (had+been). Um eine Frage zu bilden, musst du einfach das erste Hilfsverb had vor das Subjekt ziehen. Wenn es ein Fragewort gibt, kommt dieses wieder an den Satzanfang:
(Fragewort) | Hilfsverb 1 | Subjekt | Hilfsverb 2 | Verb | (Rest) |
Had | John Locke | been | working | on the Essay since about 1660? | |
Why | had | Churchill | been | thinking | of delaying his resignation? |
Had | one | been | doing | all these things ad nauseam? |
Füge einfach not zwischen had und been ein oder verwende die Kurzform hadn't:
John Locke hadn't (=had not) been working on the Essay since 1650.
Churchill had not been thinking about bringing his resignation forward.
One had not been doing all these things ad nauseam.
Im vorigen Kapitel wurde gesagt, dass mit dem past perfect simple eine Reihenfolge in Geschehnisse in der Vergangenheit gebracht werden kann. Beim past perfect continuous steht wieder der Verlaufsaspekt im Vordergrund und es wird für Abläufe verwendet, die bis zu einem bestimmten Punkt in der Vergangenheit stattfanden:
I had been reading the newspaper when Tom arrived and knocked at my door.
Der in der Vergangenheit ablaufende Prozess des Zeitunglesens wird plötzlich durch ein gleichzeitiges Ereignis in der Vergangenheit gestört und unterbrochen. Das Zeitunglesen wurde also nicht eigentlich abgeschlossen. Es wäre also falsch zu sagen:
*I had been finishing reading the newspaper and so I started to prepare dinner.
Wenn die Handlung in der Vergangenheit abgeschlossen wurde, muss das past perfect simple verwendet werden:
I had finished reading the newspaper and so I started to prepare dinner.
Das Gleiche gilt, wenn darüber gesprochen wird, wie oft etwas getan wurde. Auch dann wird das past perfect simple verwendet:
I had run a marathon twice in the 1990s. (*I had been running a marathon twice in the 1990s.)
Da es die continuous-Form im Deutschen nicht gibt, übersetzt du das past perfect continuous übrigens genauso ins Deutsche wie das past perfect und zwar mit dem Plusquamperfekt!
Churchill had been thinking about bringing his resignation forward. (Churchill hatte darüber nachgedacht, seinen Rücktritt vorzuziehen.
Du hast nun jede Menge über die Bildung und Verwendung des past perfect continuous gelernt. Unsere Aufgaben helfen dir dabei, dein Wissen zu überprüfen. Viel Erfolg dabei!
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